Dr. Lily Cheng, Dr. Benjamin Tsou, Dr. Kevin Yuen, Dr. Helen Grech, Dr. Bruce Murdoch, Dr. Kenneth Watkin, and Dr. Tanya Gallagher
時間: 2012/10/15 星期一
地點: 馬偕醫學院聽語學系會議室
出席: 馬偕醫學院校長,馬偕聽語學系主任,及全體教師
2012 IALP Taiwan Composium 由台灣聽語學會主辦於2012/10/13-14在台中舉行,IALP 學者由學會安排到馬偕聽語學系參訪並和系上老師做學術交流。
IALP was founded in 1924 in Vienna, Austria, by Dr Emil Froeschels, the IALP is the oldest international organization working from a global perspective on scientific, educational and professional issues affecting persons with communication, language, voice, speech, hearing and swallowing disorders. IALP’s mission is to provide a network that enables those concerned with communication sciences and disorders to work together and enrich their understanding by providing an opportunity to situate their work within broad multicultural perspectives.
Dr. Li-Rong Lily Cheng
Dr. Lilly Cheng served as Professor in the School of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences and Executive Director of Chinese Studies Institute at San Diego State University. She is the past chair of the Multicultural Issue Board for the American Speech, Language and Hearing Association (ASHA) and the chair of Education Committee for the IALP.
Professor Tanya Gallagher
Professor Gallagher is the Dean of the College of Applied Health Sciences, Director of the Disability Research Institute, and a Professor in the Department of Speech and Hearing Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Professor Gallagher is also the President of IALP.
Dr. Helen Grech
Dr. Grech is the Head of the Department of Communication Therapy and Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Malta. She represents Malta on the Cost Domain for Individuals, Societies, Cultures and Health (ISCH). She is President Elect of the IALP.
Dr. Bruce Murdoch
Dr. Murdoch is recognized internationally for his research on neurologically acquired speech and language disorders in children and adults. He has published 13 books in this field, over 390 peer-reviewed articles in high quality international journals, 70 invited book chapters and over 350 paper presentations at major international conferences.
Dr. Kenneth Watkin
Dr. Watkin is the Director of Center on Health, Aging and Disability of College of Applied Health Sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He has great contributions in recent advances in dysphagia diagnosis and treatment and pervasive health monitoring for brain injury.
Professor Benjamin Tsou
Professor Tsou taught at the University of California, San Diego, the University of Hong Kong and City University of Hong Kong and is now the Chiang Chen Chair Professor of Language Sciences and Director Research Centre on Linguistics and Language Information Sciences of the Hong Kong Institute of Education.
Dr. Kevin Yuen
Dr. Kevin Yuen is an Assistant Professor and Associate Head at the Department of Special Education and Counseling, The Hong Kong Institute of Education. Dr. Yuen developed the Cantonese Lexical Neighborhood Test, the Computerized Cantonese Disyllabic-word Picture Identification Test in Noise, and the Computerized Mandarin Pediatric Lexical tone & Disyllabic-word Picture identification test in Noise to serve the Cantonese- and Mandarin- speaking populations in Hong Kong and Mainland China.
The following were the major publications of Dr. Lin:
• Hung-Ching Lin a,b,c, , Cheng-Chien Yanga,c Ya-Wen Chiang b, Pei-Wen Hung b , Edward Y. Yang b, Lillian Wang d, Grace Lin d :Effect of identification and intervention age on language development for mandarin-speaking deaf children with high family involvement (International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology; 2011, 75:409-414)
• 林晃宇;林鴻清;徐銘燦;蔡循典;陳昱君;李國森:如何降低新生兒聽力初篩轉介率:從OAE到AABR之經驗 (2009臺灣耳鼻喉頭頸外科雜誌44卷5號P.133-139)(榮獲2010 台灣耳耳鼻喉醫誌優良論文)
• Lin Hung-Ching, Shu MT,Lee K-S,Lin H-Y, Grace Lin.:Reducing false-positives in newborn hearing screening program:How&Why.(Otology-Neurotology 2007 28:788-792)(獲美國之”The Best of 2007 : Diagnostic Audiology”殊榮)
• Bolajoko O Olusanya ,De Wet Swanepoel, Monica J Chapchap, Salvador Castillo, Hamed Habib, Siti Z Mukari, Norberto V Martinez, Hung-Ching Lin and Bradley McPherson :Progress towards early detection services for infants with hearing loss in developing countries (BMC Health Services Research 2007, 7:14 )(台灣本土資料新生兒聽篩資料參與國際整合研究)
• 林鴻清:新生兒聽力篩檢之必要性與實施(臺灣醫學 10卷5號;2006
p602-607 : Formosan J Med 2006 Vol.10 No 5 ;602-607)
• Lin Hung-Ching, Shu MT,Lee K-S,Ho G-M, Fu T-Y, Sharon Bruna, Grace Lin.:Comparison of hearing screening program between one step with TEOAE and two steps with TEOAE & AABR(Laryngoscope, 115:1957-1962, 2005)
• Lin Hung-Ching, Shu MT, Chang KC, Sharon Bruna.
A universal newborn hearing screening(International J. of pediatric otorhinolaryngology, 2002 vol 63 209-218(台灣本土新生兒聽篩資料第一編登上國際期刊)
• TEOAE應用於全面性新生兒聽力篩檢工具之探討 (中華聽語學誌 15期
2000 年 P 61-67) 王秀文、林鴻清、徐銘燦 et al
• 林鴻清、徐銘燦、張克昌、Sharon Bruna , 嬰幼兒聽力篩檢, (中華民國耳耳鼻喉醫誌35卷6號;2000 p376-382) (榮獲2001中華民國耳耳鼻喉醫誌優良論文)
Professor Tanya Gallagher
Professor Gallagher’s research area is social/pragmatic intervention with young children. Her target population is children with social/pragmatic language disorders. These children are not using language in social interactions in age-appropriate ways and experience negative consequences as a result.
The following are some negative indicators:
• Socially isolated
• Overly dependent on adults
• Difficulty initiating peer interactions & entering peer groups
• Participation is disruptive
• Attempts to interact not reciprocated
• Language, cognitive, social and/or discourse skills
• Ability to adjust and compensate for component deficits
• Partners’ willingness and ability to adjust and make accommodations for those deficits
The followings are the pragmatic intervention goals for children:
• Multi-level intervention goals
• Strengthen underlying core component deficits that are causal and/or contributing to maintenance of the problem
• Build effective compensatory surface behaviors of the children and their partners
The followings are the methodologies used to achieve pragmatic intervention goals:
• Teach, model & coach following the child’s lead
• Replace problematic behaviors with more socially acceptable alternative behaviors
• Practice within scripted interactions as components of event representations – typical activities
• Utilize guided peer play – support success of all participants and gradually reduce clinician’s role
The following are Dr. Liu’s research interests and future research areas:
Research Interests
• Factors affecting human auditory perception
• Strategies of listening in noise environments
• Sound source identification and auditory training
• Comparisons of listening strategies between normal hearing listeners and hearing impaired listeners
Future Research Area
• Aging population
• Effect of aging on discrimination and identification of rudimentary sound source
• The effect of assist listening devices on improving quality of life in the geriatric population with hearing loss
• The potential benefits and risks for fitting hearing aid to geriatric population with hearing loss
• Newborn population
• The beneficiaries of hearing screaming on language development for mandarin-speaking children after March 2012
• The effect of early intervention for hearing loss in preschool children
Dr. Bruce Murdoch
Dr. Murdoch’s research major research area is transcranial magnetic stimulation in the treatment of motor speech disorders of Parkinson’s disease. The following is an introduction of his research interests.
• Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation as a treatment for neurogenic Communication Disorders
• Aphasia
• Motor Speech (Parkinson’s disease, Stroke, TBI)
• Dysphagia (Stroke)
• Tinnitus
• Neural basis of adult and child speech/language disorders following traumatic brain injury
• Speech/language testing – electromagnetic articulography, behavioural tests, transcranial magnetic stimulation
• Speech/Language outcomes in childhood cancer
• Leukaemia
• Posterior fossa brain tumours
• Cerebellar contribution to language processing
Dr. Wu’s research areas are child language development and disorders, child language evaluation and intervention, and emergent literacy. Her previous study was about shared book reading practices with preschoolers. Her research interests include:
• Efficacy of shared book reading intervention
n Decontextualized questions
n Responses of adults
n Discussion before and after book reading
• Taiwanese children’s language development
n Narrative skills
n Vocabulary
n Syntax
• Develop assessment tools
Dr. Helen Grech
Dr. Grech’s research areas are multilingual speech and language development and disorders. The following is an introduction of her current work.
l Standardisation of Speech and Language Assessments for Maltese Children
Language Impairment in Multilingual Society: Linguistic Patterns and the Road to Assessment
l Network for Tuning Standards & Quality of Educational Programs for Speech Language Therapy in Europe
l Standardization of a Behavioural Test Battery for Auditory Processing in Maltese School Children
l Literacy, Phonology and Bilingualism in Maltese Children: The Development of a Diagnostic Tool for Reading and Writing Difficulties
Dr. Yeh’s research areas are child speech and language acquisition and treatment, reading development and disorders, and developing assessment tools. The following is an introduction of her previous work and future studies.
n Research Topic: Early Literacy Development in Mandarin-Speaking Children: The Role of Phonological Awareness, Rapid Naming and Oral Language Skills
n A Simple Model of Early Reading Development in Mandarin-Speaking Children
n Future Studies
1. Follow-up: the predicting association toward Grade 4 reading performance
2. New independent variable: the relationship between morphological awareness and literacy development
3. Application: school entrants screening battery of at risk poor readers
4. Special group: speech-difficulty group or at risk poor readers
5. Trace back: the relationships between speech-language development at preschool stage and literacy acquisition
Dr. Benjamin Tsou
Dr. Tsou’s research areas are Chinese oral language assessment in multilingual Hong Kong and the use of Chinese quadra-syllabic idiomatic expressions in diagnosis and therapy. The follow is the assessment tool he developed for children in Hong Kong.
Dr. Su’s previous research was a study on Myelination of primary cortices and language centers in brain – a comparison of developmental brain with congenitally deaf infants’ brain
The following are the summery of her study.
l This thesis presents the first MRI myelination study on the language system in the normal developing brain.
l Study I: develop a myelination scores for clinical visual assessment.
We found the developing sequence in the language system and most regions except the arcuate fasiculus started myelination after the 8th month and almost matured by the 18th month. There is several months lag behind histology.
l Study II: apply signal intensity methods for quantitative evaluation.
Myelination started from the 4th month, reached near maturity by the 18th month, and there was subtle change continually into adult life. There is no gender or left-right hemisphere difference. Group A (Motor cortex, auditory cortex, and visual cortex) myelinated faster than group B (Broca’s area, Wernicke’s area, angular gyrus) before 1.5 years old. The arcuate fasciculus myelinated the last.
l Study III: apply these data to patients of PMD, Leigh disease, congenital inner ear anomalies and hearing loss.
Myelination may not be the only cause of language development.
The myelination sequence of the language system is not influenced by the lack of hearing stimulation.