生醫所106-2專題演講活動,敬邀 本校醫學系 洪崇烈助理教授進行專題演講 演講主題為: Application of Multidisciplinary Imaging Solution in Cardiovascular Disorders and Heart Failure: From Community to Bench 一、演講時間:107年5月22日(星期二)下午1:10至3:00 二、地點:第二教研大樓F區5樓 509會議室 三、參與對象:本校教師、生醫所全體師生
Precise assessment of myocardial function by using novel imaging techniques have become more and more popular both in basic research labs and clinical service. On one hand, the application of such diasgnostic tools and the broad use of multimodality imaging facilities had recently lead to the improvement of diease entity and potentially highlighted the understanding of underlying mechanisms of cellular function from molecular to in vivo findings. Functional (eg. Echo and MRI) as well as metabolic assessment (PET) vendered the evaluation of potential treatment strategies and therapeutic candidates feasible before their clinical usage. Furthermore, the imaging of stem cell implant also made the cell regeneration therapy and tracking possible. Though only a small portion of these new tools may survive for their real-world usage in the preclinical and clinical trials or in daily practice, more and more efforts had been placed in the development of newer and target-specific imaging modalities recently owing to the rapid advances of molecular biology research. A translational link between basic lab to the clinical application is thus warrant in this issue, aiming for a more practical development and implementation.
A number of large epidemiologic data had demonstrated imaging modalities are useful in independently predicting outcomes beyond traditional risk factors. By integrating and comparing the cross-sectional data among the different components of these imaging findings and clinical information also help identify a more specific pathophysiology that may worth therapeutic interventions and clinical studies. While techniques and software design continued to evolve and progress, a better approach to disease survey and treatment monitoring by choosing most appropriate imaging methods balancing efficiency and costs may become more and more important in the future.